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Lifestyle interventions and Metformin 1000 mg daily
significantly reduce incidence of type two diabetes
mellitus among Egyptians with impaired glucose

Research Authors
Lobna Farag Eltony, Hala Khalaf-Allah Elsherief, Omar Mohammed Omar and Ahmed Adel
Research Department
Research Journal
International Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences
Research Member
Research Rank
Research Vol
Vol. 2,No.3
Research Year
Research Abstract

The dramatic increase in newly diagnosed cases of type 2 diabetes is a major public health concern within
Egyptians in recent years and it is estimated that by the year 2030, Egypt will have at least 8.6 million adults
with diabetes. Several studies worldwide were done and concluded that type 2 DM is preventable by specific
interventions. Rural Egyptians are thought to be less risky for developing type 2 diabetes because of the
less sedentary lifestyle and less obesity compared to urban population, but the problem is that in rural areas
the diagnosis of the disease is underestimated because of the less available medical care and primary
screening programs. This work applies certain interventions among risky individuals in rural Egypt to
determine the rate of type 2 diabetes progression in Asyut university hospital to prove whether they are
effective in preventing it among them or not. Randomized 80 subjects with IGT were classified into two
groups, group A was given Metformin 500 mg twice daily plus given instructions regarding lifestyle
modifications, and group B which was the control group and it was given nothing. Follow up was done for
one year and incidence of new cases of diabetes in both groups plus comparable effects on body weight
and BMI were recorded. Four cases were newly diagnosed as diabetic patients among group (A) while 12
patients were diagnosed among group (B) by the end of the year and this signifies that new case diabetes
was significantly reduced among group (A) than group (B) in favor of group (A). In conclusion, the study
ascertained that lifestyle interventions and Metformin 1000 mg daily significantly reduce incidence of type
two diabetes mellitus among Egyptians with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT).