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The protective effect of copper complexes against gastric mucosal ulcer in rats

Research Authors
Muhammad A El-Saadani, Ahmed Y Nassar, Soad H Abou El-Ela, Tarek H Metwally, Allam M Nafady
Research Date
Research Department
Research Journal
Biochemical pharmacology
Research Member
Research Year
Research Abstract

The study examines the anti-ulcer activity of Cu(I)-(nicotinic acid)2Cl [CuCl(HNA)2]. A dose of 8 mg (23 μmol) of complex/kg body mass was suspended in 0.25% Tween-80 in saline solution and administered intragastrically to male Wistar albino rats which had developed gastric ulcers as a result of pyloric ligation (Shay-rat model). Another group of animals received 5 mg (25 μmol)/kg body mass of the copper-glycinate complex Cu(II)(glycinate)2 [Cu(II)(Gly)2]. Both protected as shown by reduction in the ulcer index, inhibition of gastric perforation and death. Significant increases in gastric juice volume and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in the gastric mucosa and blood plasma were found with both copper complexes, while the gastric juice prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) content was significantly decreased in the Cu(II)(Gly)2-treated group, it was significantly increased in the gastric mucosa of the CuCl(HNA)2-treated …