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and one of its employees for many years, our distinguished colleague and dear brother / Muhammad Sayed Mujahid, Director of Public Affairs at the College, who passed away while performing his job…
دورة تدريبية بعنوان Nursing care of ventilated patients  لدكتور محمد زارع المدرس بقسم تمريض الحالات الحرجة بكلية التمريض جامعة الاسكندرية  الدورة مجانا  اليوم الاحد ١ سبتمبر  الوقت من ٩ الي ٢ شهادة…
 Care and Emergency Nursing, asking the Almighty God to cover her with His vast mercy, to dwell her in His spacious gardens, and to inspire her family and loved ones with patience. And solace  
 and one of its flowers, the student Salma Jalal Al-Badri, a student with distinction, asking the Almighty God to cover her with His vast mercy, to dwell her in His spacious gardens, and to inspire…
Submitted message title  Effect of An Teaching Protocol Regarding Trochanteric Hip Fracture On Nurses' Performance The effect of an educational protocol regarding femoral trochanteric fracture on…
Message title "A health education program for students who smoke regarding oral and pharyngeal cancer at Assiut University" This will be on Thursday, 8/8/2024, at exactly 1:00 pm, in the conference…