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Exploration of Saving cognition and Distress tolerance as predictor factors for hoarding behavior

Research Authors
Nadia Ebraheem Sayied
Research Date
Research Department
Research Journal
Novelty Journals
Research Member
Research Publisher
Nadia Ibrahim Sayed Ibrahim (1107)
Research Year
Research Abstract

Abstract: Hoarding is defined as the acquisition of and failure to discard a large number of possessions, which
results in debilitating clutter and subsequent impairment and distress. This study aimed to examine the association
between saving cognition and distress tolerance as predictor factors for hoarding behavior. An exploratory
descriptive research design was utilized in this study. Setting: The study was carried out in Faculty of Nursing,
Assiut University, and Faculty of Nursing, Sohag University, Egypt. Subject: The total number of nursing students
from two faculties' was587 students. Tools: Data were collected through, Personal data sheet, Distress Tolerance
Scale, Saving Cognitions Inventory and Hoarding Rating Scale-Interview. Results: there were statistically
significant relation between saving cognition scale and distress scale (r= 0.244) with (P. value=0.001). There were
statistically significant correlation between distress tolerance scale and hoarding(r= 0.143) with(P. value=0.001).
Conclusion: There were positive correlation between hoarding and saving cognition. Saving cognition and distress
tolerance are predictor factors for hoarding behavior. Recommendations: It was recommended that: Future
researches are needed to replicate the results in samples with clinically significant levels of hoarding.
Keywords: Saving cognition, Distress tolerance, Hoarding.