Faculty of Pharmacy Library
Campus library
There are two libraries in the faculty, one in the second floor for the students and the other in 6th floor for staff members and their assistants. Both Libraries are located in the administrative building and contain about 23,960 books in different pharmaceutical branches. The postgraduate library contains about 1680 thesis (Master and Ph.D.) and 83 journals and periodicals in pharmaceutical sciences. Our Post Graduate library is considered one of the biggest libraries in the university, in addition, it is supplied with computer search system, micro-fishes, CD Rom, copy machines and printing system to provide our graduate students with all the needed services.
The Library of the Faculty of Pharmacy aspires to have an effective role in the introduction of all possible services for the educational process, postgraduate studies, and community services.
The Library of the Faculty of Pharmacy aims to elevate the performance level of library services and helps the graduate students and the researchers carry out their job as it provides them with the varied sources of information required for education, graduate studies and community service
- The General website of the Assiut University's Library is www.eulc.edu.eg From which you can enter to the library of Faculty of Pharmacy, Assiut University
- List of the most Recent Books in the Faculty’s Library
2008-2009 , 2009-2010 , 2010-2011 , 2011-2012 , 2012-2013 , 2013-2014 , 2014-2015 , 2015-2016 , 2016-2017 , 2017-2018 , 2018-2019 , 2020-2021, 2022-2023
- For other details regarding borrowing process and others Guide picture
Thesis Record Library
As a result that; the faculty has got the Accreditation from the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education (NAQAAE) as well as the certification of Iso 9001/2008 in the provision of education services in Pharmaceutical Sciences at Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels from Anglo-Japanese-American (AJA) and the Faculty managements desire to find an effective administration machinery and sophisticated and updated. And as directed by the library management to enhance the library activity the following were done:
Digital and Cultural Libraries
1- Establishment of digital library in the 6th floor in the stuff member and their assistant that contain.
a- 5 Computers and 6 NET Points connected to the internet.
b- 69 Compact discs (CDs) for scientific books.
c- 34 Compact discs (CDs) for international abstract (scientific Journals).
d- 147 Compact discs (CDs) for thesis.
e- 75 CD-Rom for audio – visual.
2- Establishment of a special section for clinical pharmacy books, in the 6th floor contains 130 scientific book.
3- Establishment of cultural library section in the student library in the second floor contain 806 cultural and scientific books and equipped with a computer connected to the internet.
4- A guide to scientific periodicals contain 83 periodical with total number of 10132 volumes. (Click here to see the periodicals).
5- List of names of cultural books (In Arabic).