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# العنوان القسم سنة البحث
71 Design, synthesis and antiproliferative evaluation of lipidated 1, 3-diaryl propenones and their cyclized pyrimidine derivatives as tubulin polymerization inhibitors 2023
72 Biosynthesis of polyprenylated xanthones in Hypericum perforatum roots involves 4-prenyltransferase 2023
73 خارطة طريق للنهوض بصناعة الدواء فى مصر: انشاء مركز استشاري وطني لتطوير الدواء وتفعيل إمكانيات الدولة فى مجال اإلتاحة الحيوية 2023
74 Zinc(II) complexation strategy for ultra‐sensitive fluorimetric estimation of molnupiravir: Applications and greenness evaluation 2023
75 Effects of lidocaine derived organic compounds on eosinophil activation and survival 2023
76 Potent anticancer activity of (Z)‑3‑hexenyl‑β‑D‑glucopyranoside in pancreatic cancer cells قسم العقاقير 2023
77 SERS study of classical and newly β-lactams-metal complexation based on in situ laser-induced coral reefs-like silver photomicroclusters: In vitro study of antibacterial activity قسم الكيمياء التحليلية الصيدلية 2023
78 Silver nanoparticles coated with polymers: synthesis, characterization and loading with rousvastatin calcium قسم الصيدلة الصناعية 2023
79 NiFe‑based Prussian blue analogue nanopolygons hybridized with functionalized glyoxal polymer as a voltammetric platform for the determination of amisulpride in biological samples قسم الكيمياء التحليلية الصيدلية 2023
80 Cytotoxic flavone-C-glycosides from the leaves of Dypsis pembana (H.E.Moore) Beentje & J.Dransf., Arecaceae: in vitro and molecular docking studies قسم العقاقير 2023