CD22 (also known as Siglec-2) is an inhibitory receptor expressed in B cells. CD22 specifically recognizes α2,6 sialic acid and interacts with α2,6 sialylated membrane proteins expressed on the same cell (cis-ligands) and those derived from outside of the cell (trans-ligands). Previously, CD22 cis-ligands were shown to regulate the activity of CD22, thereby regulating both BCR ligation-induced signaling and low-level “tonic” signaling in the absence of BCR ligation that regulates the survival and differentiation of B cells. Mouse CD22 prefers Neu5Gc to Neu5Ac thereby binding to α2,6-linked Neu5Gc with high affinity. Although human CD22 binds to a distinct α2,6 sialylated glycan with high affinity, expression of high-affinity ligands is regulated in a conserved and stringent manner. However, how high- versus low-affinity CD22 ligands regulate B cells is poorly understood. Here we demonstrate that the interaction of CD22 with the endogenous ligands enhances BCR ligation-induced signaling but reduces tonic signaling in Cmah−/− mouse B cells deficient in Neu5Gc as well as wild-type B cells. Moreover, Cmah−/− B cells do not show alterations in the phenotypes correlated to tonic signaling. These results indicate that low-affinity interaction of the CD22 cis-ligands with CD22 is sufficient for the regulation of B cell signaling, and suggest that expression of high-affinity CD22 ligands might be involved in the regulation of B cells by competing for the binding of CD22 with exogenous trans-ligands of CD22.
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Journal of Biological Chemistry
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