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God willing, the laboratories and scientific equipment committee will hold its meeting on Wednesday the 15th of March at eleven (AM)  in the office of Vice Dean for Community Services and…
God willing, The Executive Committee meeting will be on Monday, March 13, 2023, at 10:00 AM the Faculty Council Hall - the fifth floor (administrative building)                Dean of the Faculty…
God willing, a seminar for the pharmacist / Ghada Ahmed Abdel Moez - Teaching Assistant - Department of Pharmacognosy   the title:- Phytochemical and biological studies on certain Amaranthus…
A seminar to register the subject of a master's thesis for the pharmacist Aya Muhammad Salameh - Department of Pharmacognosy the title:- “Phytochemical and biological Study of Tagetes erecta L. (…
God willing, The Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry Department Council will hold its regular monthly meeting number (499) Tuesday, March 7, 2023, at ten in the morning In the meetings Hall of the…