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God willing, The practical and theoretical practical exam for the Analytical Chemistry1 course  will be held on Wednesday, December 6, 2023. The advertisement is attached  
    Click to enter 👇 Result of the mid-term for the first exam of the “Medicinal Plants” course    
God willing, the practical exam for the course  of production and manufacturing of medicinal plants, semester (7), will be held on Monday, December 4, 2023, at ten o’clock, in the third teaching hall…
  اضغط 👇 لينك الدخول على المنصه التعليمية الخاصة بالاستبيانات
اضغط 👇 لينك الدخول على المنصه التعليمية الخاصة بالاستبيانات
God willing, the English language exam for the first year at the faculty of Pharmacy (pharmD program) will be held on Monday, November 27, 2023, from nine to ten in the morning in the electronic  …