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God willing, the Clinical Pharmacy Department Council will hold its regular monthly meeting number (105) on Wednesday, September 4, 2024, at 12:00 PM, in the meetings Hall of the Department - 5th …
God willing, The Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry Department Council will hold its regular monthly meeting number (517) this is on Sunday, September 1, 2024, at 11:00 AM In the meetings Hall of…
    Click 👇 Instructional Video for Students of the Compulsory Internship Unit (Pharmacy Practice) Click 👇 Access the Link to Register for the Elective Course    
  Click 👇 Instructional Video for Students of the Compulsory Internship Unit (Pharmacy Practice) Click 👇 Access the Link to Register for the Elective Course    
اضغط 👇 رابط الدخول ألى صفحة المؤتمر اضغط 👇   التسجيل فى مؤتمر العلوم  الصيدلية الدولى الرابع عشر