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The launch of the activities of the 14th conference of the Egyptian Federation of Pharmacy Students - Assiut University


فعاليات مؤتمرفعاليات مؤتمر 2

The activities of the 14th conference of the Egyptian Federation of Pharmacy Students .Assiut University witnessed the launch of the activities of the fourteenth conference of the Egyptian Federation of Pharmacy Students, which is organized by the Scientific Society for Faculty Students under the supervision of Prof. Tarek El-Gamal, President of the University, and Prof. Shehata Ghareeb, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, and in the presence of Prof. Maha Ghanem, Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development, and Prof. Ahmed Abdel Mawla, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Prof. Alaa Raafat, President of the Pharmacists Syndicate, Dr. Nermin Al-Iraqi, the association’s leader, Mai Diaa El-Din, the association’s rapporteur, and a group of deans, agents, faculty members and students of the faculty of Pharmacy and a number of university faculties, in addition to the faculties of pharmacy in other universities of Egypt.

At the beginning of her speech, Prof. Maha Ghanem welcomed the guests of the conference, which is one of the largest student conferences in Egypt, as the university is proud to host the conference for the second year, after it organized it online last year due to the conditions of the Corona pandemic. One of the opportunities offered by the conference is to help them start a successful career as soon as they graduate from faculty without falling into the post-graduation gap, explaining that each student must determine the field he wants to work in, as the fields of pharmaceutical work vary greatly from the pharmaceutical industry and marketing to direct dealing with Patients in pharmacies The importance of the role of pharmacists in the medical system during the Corona pandemic has become clear to everyone. Therefore, the community expects pharmacy students to contribute effectively in the field of public health, awareness of epidemics, chronic diseases and other areas of community service.

Prof. Ahmed Abdel Mawla stated that the conference, which is hosted by the university over a period of 4 days from 8 to 11 February, targets all scientific and medical faculties and clarifies the various medical fields in a large way. On the medical sales profession: “Negotiation skills and persuasion, branding”, professional decisions, and a panel discussion on career paths, digital treatments, and entrepreneurship. For students of the Faculty of Pharmacy, and one of the largest pharmaceutical companies, the conference also includes a large number of other activities such as a sports day, a recreational day, and a tour of the most important landmarks of Assiut Governorate.

Dr. Nermin Iraqi stated that the opening ceremony of the conference included the delivery of the shield of the association to Prof. Maha Ghanem in appreciation of her efforts and continuous support for the activities of the association. Assiut pharmacists, Dr. Nermin Al-Iraqi, pioneer of the Scientific Society for Faculty Students, Nasser Al-Duwayni, Director of the General Department of Security at the university, Prof. Ahmed Sharett, Director of Student Unions Department, Tariq Sayed, Director of Youth Welfare at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Ashraf Sayed, Security Director of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Hussein Abdel Radi, Director of the Office of the Vice President for Education and Student Affairs and Shaima Hamdan, the representative of the 2020 Foundation, the main financier of the conference. It also included a memorial session for Prof. Mona Al-Mahdi, the former pioneer of the association, in appreciation of her giving and the legacy of science and the high morals she left to her students, as her two daughters received a shield of honor from Prof. Maha Ghanem.
