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Second semester exams For the academic year 2021/2022 For Bachelor of Pharmacy Students - Clinical Pharmacy Program


Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Abdel Mawla, Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Hassan Refaat Hassan, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, toured the examination committees in Hall “C” of the university’s electronic examination center, coinciding with the start of the exams for the second semester for the academic yea2021/2022, in the presence of Dr. Soad Abdel Latief Bayoumi

 - Director of the Technology Services Unit, and Dr. / Ahmed Safwat Mohamed - Director of the E-Learning, where he was assured of his commitment to implementing all the instructions regulating the examination process

 This was done on Wednesday, 1/6/2022.

إمتحانات الفصل الدراسى الثانى للعام الجامعى 2021/2022م  لطلاب بكالوريوس الصيدلة – برنامج الصيدلة الإكلينيكية