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A medical convoy for early detection of prostate tumors Faculty of Pharmacy


Under the patronage Prof. Dr. Ahmed Mohamed El-Menshawy - President of the University, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Abdel Mawla - Dean of the Faculty and Acting Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs, and Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Ahmed Abdel Aleem - Acting Vice President of the University for Community Service and Development Affairs. Environment, Prof. Dr. Iman Massad Zaki - Dean of the South Egypt Oncology Institute, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Mahmoud Abdel Latif - Vice Dean of the Faculty for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, and in the presence of Mr. Prof. Dr. Hassan Refaat Hassan - Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs and Mr. Tarek Sayed Hassan - Dean of the Faculty, and in implementation of the presidential initiative for early detection of tumors, the Faculty of Pharmacy received the medical convoy organized by the South Egypt Oncology Institute in cooperation with the initiative team of the Ministry of Health for early detection of prostate tumors in men over the age of 50, from faculty members and staff. This is done by doing a PSA blood test.
The campaign took place on Wednesday, 6/12/2023.

قافلة طبية للإكتشاف المبكر لأورام البروستاتا بكلية الصيدلة