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# Title Department Research Year
Effect of certain additives on the diffusion characteristics of Aspirin, Salicylamid, and Phenacetin through a cellophane membrane. II. Effect of Aliphatic Acids and Polyethylene Glycol.
Department of Pharmaceutics 1984
3642 Study of Tecoma chryostricha.
Department of Pharmacognosy 1984
3643 Study of Tecoma chryostricha.
Department of Pharmacognosy 1984
3644 Pharmacognostical studies on Avicennia officinalis L.
Part I: Macro- and micromorphology of stem and leaves.
Department of Pharmacognosy 1984
Effect of certain additives on the diffusion characteristics of Aspirin, Salicylamid, and Phenacetin through a cellophane membrane. II. Effect of Aliphatic Acids and Polyethylene Glycol.

Department of Pharmaceutics 1984
3646 Pharmacognostical studies on Avicennia officinalis L.
Part I: Macro- and micromorphology of stem and leaves.
Department of Pharmacognosy 1984
Effect of certain additives on the diffusion characteristics of Aspirin, Salicylamid, and Phenacetin through a cellophane membrane. II. Effect of Aliphatic Acids and Polyethylene Glycol.

Department of Pharmaceutics 1984
3648 Pharmacognostical studies on Avicennia officinalis L.
Part I: Macro- and micromorphology of stem and leaves.
Department of Pharmacognosy 1984
3649 A contribution to the chemistry of Sterculia diversifolia Don. Cultivated in Egypt. Department of Pharmacognosy 1983
3650 Three Isoflavonoids from Iris germanica Department of Pharmacognosy 1983