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Center for Pharmaceutical Studies and Research for Medicinal Plants

Center for Pharmaceutical Studies and Research for Medicinal Plants

The number and date of the decision created for it:

  1. The decision of the University Council was issued on 11/1/1987 to establish the Center for Pharmaceutical Studies and Research for Medicinal Plants at the Faculty of Pharmacy, which is one of the centers of agricultural experimentation and research at the university. 
  2. The first board of directors of the Center for Pharmaceutical Studies and Research for Medicinal Plants was formed by the decision of the University President on 19/4/1987, and was said to be reconstituted every three years by the decision of the president of the university to approve the proposal of the Faculty of Pharmacy council in this form. 
  3. The decision of the University Council was issued on 18/12/1995 to approve the internal regulations of the Center for Pharmaceutical Studies and Research for Medicinal Plants, which was drawn up by the Board of Directors of the Faculty of Pharmacy in October 1994.
  4. Decision of the University Council No. 598 (held on 25/4/2010) approves the financial and administrative regulations of the Center for Pharmaceutical Studies and Research for Medicinal Plants.

The objectives of the center and the mission

  1. The center seeks to achieve the following activities:
  2. To assist the University in carrying out its mission, both in the field of student education and in research.
  3. Conduct applied research aimed at solving the real problems faced by society in the use of drugs and chemical compounds by replacing medicinal herbs instead of drugs and chemical compounds and its products from various pharmaceutical forms.
  4. Strengthening cultural and scientific ties with other universities and scientific bodies at the Arab and international level and holding seminars as well as holding joint conferences.
  5. The center conducts an economic feasibility study of a number of important medicinal plants.
  6. Equipping and processing a small integrated plant based on scientific foundations to dry, sift, and packaging of the medicinal and aromatic plant crops in a semi-manufactured form.

Formation of the Center for Pharmaceutical Studies and Research for Medicinal Plants in the Faculty:

Professor/Dean of the Faculty Chairman

Professor Dr. Chairman of the Pharmacognosy Department Council (Director of the Center)

Professor Dr. / Vice Dean of the Faculty for Postgraduate Studies and Research, a member

Professor Dr. Hanaa Mohamed Sayed, Emeritus Professor in the Department of Pharmacognosy, a member

Professor Dr. Faten Muhammad Mustafa Darwish, Emeritus Professor in the Department of Pharmacology, a member

Dr. Yasser Ghallab Gouda, Emeritus Professor in the Department of Pharmacognosy, is a member

Dr. Mai Abdel Hadi Mohamed, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacognosy, Member

Scientific and technological capabilities:

The scientific potentials of the center are granted by the professors of pharmacology and their assistants in the faculty in addition to the masters students of biological studies (pharmacology - microbiology - biochemistry ) from the joint sections as well as the faculty members from other departments of the Faculty in case they need to conduct the required research. 

In terms of the center's technological capabilities, it is almost non-existent due to the lack of financial support.

Scientific and laboratory possibilities:

  1. The center has a place to provide the necessary services in the field of herbs and medicinal plants.
  2. A laboratory is being equipped in the pharmacology department of the center that contains some simple devices through which it can increase its contribution to the service of the environment.

Bibliographic list of scientific and research works that have been carried out:

  1. The Center has provided non-research services so far
  2. We hope that the center will carry out the research work after the preparation of the projected laboratory.

Future Plan

  1. Preparing a project that includes the provision of some herbs in the form of a pharmaceutical product suitable for use as food supplements. 
  2. Setting priorities-
  3. Preparing a laboratory in the department of pharmacology to serve the center
  4. Preparing some projects that serve the environment
  5. Purchase of some equipment for the analysis of plants relatively as contained in the medicine constitution
  6. Make the most of the plants that are grown and used in Assiut province. 
  7. Rehabilitation of human cadres to operate the equipment inside the center. 

Research agencies cooperating with the Center

  1. Department of Pharmacognosy - Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Assiut.
  2. Some pharmacists working in the market who want to activate the use of medicinal herbs.