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قسم علم النبات والميكروبيولوجي

مهمتنا هي توليد المعرفة وأعداد الباحثين والقادة والخريجين في مختلف مجالات علوم النبات والعلوم الميكروبية والتكنولوجيا الحيوية القادرة على توفير حلول للتحديات الصناعية والصحية والزراعية والبيئية.

يمكنك استكشاف مخزون المعرفة لدينا لإثراء معلوماتك عن أبحاث ومنشورات علم النبات والأحياء الدقيقة.

# عنوان البحث سنة البحث
141 Foraging behavior and visit optimization of bumblebees for the pollination of greenhouse tomatoes 2022
142 Using fermentation waste of ethanol-producing yeast for bacterial riboflavin production and recycling of spent bacterial mass for enhancing the growth of oily plants 2022
143 GC–MS analysis, cytotoxicity, and molecular docking studies of bioactive alkaloids extracted from tomato leaves inoculated with endophytic fungus Beauveria sp. AUMC 15401 2022
144 Alleviating excess boron stress in tomato calli by applying benzoic acid to various biochemical strategies 2022
145 The combined effect of water deficit stress and TiO2 nanoparticles on cell membrane and antioxidant enzymes in Helianthus annuus L. 2022
146 Fig latex inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria invading human diabetic wounds and accelerates wound closure in diabetic mice 2022
147 Amino-cyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase (ACCD) producing yeasts improved salinity tolerance of Triticum aestivum L. 2022
148 Comparison and Advanced Antimicrobial Strategies of Silver and Copper Nanodrug-Loaded Glass Ionomer Cement against Dental Caries Microbes 2022
149 Tuning photosynthetic oxygen for hydrogen evolution in synergistically integrated, sulfur deprived consortia of Coccomyxa chodatii and Rhodobium gokarnense at dim and high light 2022
150 Production of cold‑active pectinases by three novel Cladosporium species isolated from Egypt and application of the most active enzyme. 2022