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قسم علم النبات والميكروبيولوجي

مهمتنا هي توليد المعرفة وأعداد الباحثين والقادة والخريجين في مختلف مجالات علوم النبات والعلوم الميكروبية والتكنولوجيا الحيوية القادرة على توفير حلول للتحديات الصناعية والصحية والزراعية والبيئية.

يمكنك استكشاف مخزون المعرفة لدينا لإثراء معلوماتك عن أبحاث ومنشورات علم النبات والأحياء الدقيقة.

# عنوان البحث سنة البحث
671 Use of seaweed and filamentous fungus derived polysaccharides in the
development of alginate-chitosan edible films containing fucoidan:
Study of moisture sorption, polyphenol release and antioxidant
672 Diversity of floricolous yeasts and filamentous fungi of some ornamental and edible fruit plants in Assiut area, Egypt. 2018
673 Studies on aroma source in ethanol during fermentation and distillation. 2018
674 An insight into Chemical Content, Biological Effect and Morphological Features of Pteris vittata L., Rarely Growing in Egypt. 2018
675 Four strains of yeasts: as effective biocontrol agents against both growth and mycotoxins formation by selected 11 toxigenic fungi. 2018
676 In vitro-exploration of fungal endophytes of Egyptian Cynara scolymus L.(artichoke) and investigation of some their bioactive potentials 2018
677 In Vitro Comparative Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity of Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Extracts from Algicolous Fungi 2017
678 Some aspects of drought resistance in Citrullus colocynthis L. in the Egyptian deserts . 2017
679 Bioenergetics of lactate vs. acetate outside TCA
enhanced the hydrogen evolution levels in two
newly isolated strains of the photosynthetic
bacterium Rhodopseudomonas
680 Glycerol production by osmophilic / osmotolerant mycobiota associated with molasses 2017