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Geoelectrical and hydrogeochemical studies for delineating seawater intrusion in the outlet of Wadi Ham, UAE

مؤلف البحث
M. Sherif, A. El Mahmoudi, H. Garamoon, A. Kacimov, S. Akram, A. Ebraheem, A. Shetty
ملخص البحث

ABSTRACT: The Quaternary aquifer of Wadi Ham, UAE has been overexploited during the last two decades to meet the increasing water demands. As a result, the dynamic balance between freshwater and seawater has been disturbed and the quality of the groundwater has deteriorated. In this paper, a 2D earth resistivity survey was conducted in Wadi Ham in the area between Fujairah and Kalba to delineate the seawater intrusion. Existing monitoring wells were used to measure the horizontal and vertical variations in water salinity and thus to improve the interpretation of earth resistivity imaging data. Results of vertical electrical soundings and chemical analyses of collected water samples were used to obtain an empirical relationship between the inferred earth resistivity and the amount of total dissolved solids. This relationship was used along with the true resistivity sections resulting from the inversion of 2D resistivity data to identify three zones of water-bearing formation (fresh, brackish, and salt-water zones). Along the four 2D resistivity profiles, the depth to the fresh-brackish interface exceeded 50m at the western part of the area and was in the order of 10m or less in the eastern side near the shoreline. Depth to the brackish-saline water interface reached about 70m in the western side and was in the order of 20m in the eastern side. The thickness of the fresh water zone decreases considerably in the farming areas toward Kalba and thus the degree of seawater intrusion increases.

قسم البحث
مجلة البحث
Environmental Geology 01/2006; 49(4):536-551. DOI:10.1007/s00254-005-0081-4 · 1.13 Impact Factor
المشارك في البحث
تصنيف البحث
عدد البحث
Environmental Geology 01/2006; 49(4):536-551. DOI:10.1007/s00254-005-0081-4 · 1.13 Impact Factor
موقع البحث
Environmental Geology 01/2006; 49(4):536-551. DOI:10.1007/s00254-005-0081-4 · 1.13 Impact Factor
سنة البحث
صفحات البحث
Environmental Geology 01/2006; 49(4):536-551. DOI:10.10