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Botany and Microbiology Department

Our mission is to generate knowledge and produce researchers, leaders, and graduates in various fields in Plant Sciences, Microbial Sciences and Biotechnology who are capable of providing solutions to industrial, health, agricultural and environmental challenges.

You can explore our Knowledge stock to know more about Botany and Microbiology researches and publications.

# Title Research Year
121 Mechanism of Wheat Leaf Rust Control Using Chitosan Nanoparticles and Salicylic Acid 2022
122 Changes in Carbon and Nitrogen Metabolites before, at, and after Anthesis for Wheat Cultivars in Response to Reduced Soil Water and Zinc Foliar Application 2022
123 Diversity of seed-coat structure and thickness among six genera representing tribes Sophoreae, Crotalarieae, and Genisteae (Papilionoideae, Fabaceae) in Egypt 2022
124 Attenuating Effect of an Extract of Cd-Hyperaccumulator Solanum nigrum on the Growth and Physio-chemical Changes of Datura innoxia Under Cd Stress 2022
125 Hydrogen sulfide modulates salinity stress in common bean plants by maintaining osmolytes and regulating nitric oxide levels and antioxidant enzyme expression 2022
126 Effects of Trace Elements Supplementation on Methane Enhancement and Microbial Community Dynamics in Mesophilic Anaerobic Digestion of Food Waste. 2022
127 Era connecting nanotechnology with agricultural sustainability: issues and challenges 2022
128 The antimicrobial, antibiofilm, and wound healing properties of ethyl acetate crude extract of an endophytic fungus Paecilomyces sp. (AUMC 15510) in earthworm model 2022
129 Antimicrobial Efficacy of Glass Ionomer Cement in Incorporation with Biogenic Zingiber officinale Capped Silver-Nanobiotic, Chlorhexidine Diacetate and Lyophilized Miswak 2022
130 Coupling phenol bioremediation and biodiesel production by Tetradesmus obliquus: Optimization of phenol removal, biomass productivity and lipid content 2022