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Botany and Microbiology Department

Our mission is to generate knowledge and produce researchers, leaders, and graduates in various fields in Plant Sciences, Microbial Sciences and Biotechnology who are capable of providing solutions to industrial, health, agricultural and environmental challenges.

You can explore our Knowledge stock to know more about Botany and Microbiology researches and publications.

# Title Research Year
591 Upgrading the antioxidant properties of fucoidan and alginate from Cystoseira trinodis by fungal fermentation or enzymatic pretreatment of the seaweed biomass 2018
592 Potentiality of some yeast isolates for electricity generation from sugarcane molasses 2018
593 Use of the brown seaweed Sargassum latifolium in the design of
alginate-fucoidan based films with natural antioxidant properties and
kinetic modeling of moisture sorption and polyphenolic release
594 Optimization of enzymatic saccharification of fucoidan and alginate from brown seaweed using fucoidanase and alginate lyase from the marine fungus Dendryphiella arenaria 2018
595 Fungal Agarase Production in a Cost-Effective Macroalgal Based Medium and Enzymatic Hydrolysis of the Alkali Extracted Macroalgal Biomass: An Optimization Study 2018
596 Enhancement of antimicrobial effect of some spices extract by using biosynthesized silver nanoparticles 2018
597 Vegetation analysis and species distribution in the lower tributaries of wadi Qena, Eastern Desert, Egypt. 2018
598 Vegetation patterns and floristic composition along elevation gradient on Jabal Musa, South Sinai, Egypt. 2018
599 Adaptive responses of Aerva javanica Burm.f. Shult. to severe aridity in the Egyptian deserts 2018
600 Costless and huge hydrogen yield by manipulation
of iron concentrations in the new bacterial strain
Brevibacillus invocatus SAR grown on algal biomass