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Botany and Microbiology Department

Our mission is to generate knowledge and produce researchers, leaders, and graduates in various fields in Plant Sciences, Microbial Sciences and Biotechnology who are capable of providing solutions to industrial, health, agricultural and environmental challenges.

You can explore our Knowledge stock to know more about Botany and Microbiology researches and publications.

# Title Research Year
471 Characterization and Identification of Cellulose-degrading Bacteria Isolated from a Microbial Fuel Cell Reactor 2019
472 Oligosaccharides production by Leuconostoc holzaapfelii strain S7 using sugar cane molasses as fermentation medium. 2019
473 Efficacy of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and endophytic strain Epicoccum nigrum ASU11 as biocontrol agents against blackleg disease of potato caused by bacterial strain Pectobacterium carotovora subsp. atrosepticum PHY7 2019
474 Molecular identification and artificial pathogenicity of Fusarium solani; the causal pathogen of wilt on Centaurea ragusina in Egypt 2019
475 Diversity, virulence factors, and antifungal susceptibility patterns of pathogenic and opportunistic yeast species in rock pigeon (Columba livia) fecal droppings in western Saudi Arabia.

476 Influence of different cellulosic substrates on biological efficiency and growth of different oyster mushrooms. 2019
477 Optimization of enzymatic saccharification of fucoidan and alginate
from brown seaweed using fucoidanase and alginate lyase
from the marine fungus Dendryphiella arenaria
478 Leaf morphology and venation patterns of Euphorbia L. (Euphorbiaceae) in Egypt with special notes on their taxonomic implications 2019
479 Enhancement Effect of iron oxide nanoparticles on fermentative biohydrogen production by purple non-sulfur bacteria. 2019
480 Taxonomic evaluation of Euphorbiaceae sensu lato with special reference to Phyllanthaceae as a new Family to the Flora of Egypt. 2019