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Effec t of Saline Irrigation and GihhereHic
Acid on Osmotic Pressure, Photosynthetic
Pigments, and Carbohydrate Content of Carrot
and Sugar Beet, Plants.

Research Authors
F.M. Salama, S.A. Khodary and M.M.D. Heikal
Research Abstract

Salin irrigation solutio:" pf ICOO, :'tODD. and 6000 p.p.ill. made up
of CaClz :md NaCl were supplied To the plants under test. The
carbohydrate content. photosynthetic pigments as well as the conc:
entralion of chloropbyll.s :lnd internal osmotic pre~.sure of carrot
:lnd beet plants were determined :IS grown at the stress levels specified
in sand cultures for 17 weeks. The same parameters were also
determined when thesc stressed plants wcrc spr:.lyed with GA3
solution :.It 50 p.p.l11. There was :J trend of relative increase in
osmotic pressure accompanied with rcduction in the waler content
of the treated plants. The carbohydrate level tcnded to increase in
carrot shoots, however lhis level shl1wed ;)n irregular sequence of
hydrolysablc sugars associ:1(ed with :1 decreasing leyel of soluble
sugars of beet shoots at all spt'cified treatments and the vice Jlersa
with respect to beet rools. Photosynthctic pigments exhibited
increasing sequence cf beet leaves ill lomTliSL with the data or
carrot leaves at aU investigated treatment'i. The application of GA3
solution to the plants grown Ullder salin!t!' failed to reverse the salinity effect.

Research Journal
Egypt Journal of Botany
Research Rank
Research Vol
23 ( 2 )
Research Year
Research Pages
113 - 121