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The Role Of Body Detoxificating Factors Against Aflatoxicosis.

Research Authors
Amany. A .Osman, Salley. M .Bakkar, Safaa . A.Mahgoub and Ahmed .Y. Nassar.
Research Abstract

Some organs in animals and human being such as ; liver , intestine and lung contain specific chemicals and active enzymes responsible for biochemical detoxification mechanisms against intoxicating agents. Glutathione is the famous chemical compound which is the substrate for glutathione peroxidase and glutathione – S – transeferase for the phase (II) of the general xenobiotic detoxificating mechanisms . This glutathione is consumed during these reactions and could be restablished by mainly sulfur containing compounds (total thiols). Aflatoxicosis is the most threating environmental condition for health community and animal wealth which is one of the highly interesting field of investigation .
This submitted work has been designed in order to deduce the relationship between the level of GSH in these organs during the consecutive exposure to aflatoxicosis and the activity of these enzymes. The exposed rats day after day (for five weeks) to digestive doses of AFB1 (60μg /kg b.w.) showed that the tissue organs were increasingly enriched by accumulated lipid peroxide as a result of intoxication. This cellular peroxidation reactions ( by tissue cytochrome p450) simultaneously showed characteristic histological collaps especially in the lung tissue. The glutathione peroxidase and transeferase were concomitantly diminished by further intoxication . Conclusively; chronic intoxication by aflatoxinB1 consumed the biological reducing glutathione and total thiols as well as the acting peroxidase and transeferase.

Research Department
Research Journal
مؤتمر شباب الباحثين لسنة 2014
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