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In the presence of Mr. / Hassan Abbas Mohamed Dean .. Governor of Assiut meets the Federation of animal welfare groups to discuss the problem of stray dogs in the streets

In the presence of Mr. / Hassan Abbas Mohamed DeanThe Governor of Assiut meets the Animal Welfare Association to discuss the problem of stray dogs in the streetsDr. Yasser El-Desouki, Governor of Assiut, met with Mr. Hassan Abbas, Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Assiut University, Dr. Hassan El-Maraghy, Executive Director of the Animal Welfare Association and representatives of the Animal Welfare Society in Assiut, in the presence of Dr. Salah El-Din Mohamed Ibrahim. Dean of Faculty of Agriculture, Assiut University.The meeting discussed how to find appropriate solutions to the stray dogs problem in the streets and the scientific method to solve this problem in accordance with the principles of animal welfare.He explained that he receives many complaints daily the existence of many stray dogs on the streets, which cause panic to citizens and is directed to the Directorate of Veterinary Medicine to take necessary as the body entrusted with dealing with these cases, noting that we collectively work in one system and want to develop solutions to the problem without sticking to a specific opinion.The governor proposed forming a committee from all parties in the meeting in cooperation with the Egyptian Federation of Animal Welfare Associations to develop appropriate solutions to the problem of stray dogs in the streets, which has become a disturbing phenomenon for citizens and affect public health and safety, pointing out that the governorate is ready to provide all aspects of support and concerted efforts to end this problem.Dr. Hassan Abbas, Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, said that the sterilization of dogs will be carried out in the faculty and vaccinated against rabies and a full report will be done to insure the citizens pointing out the need to involve civil society in this because the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine will not absorb large numbers of cases. The Union is ready to cooperate with the College in this regard