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Guests ConferenceState of the brotherly Sudan

1 d. / Majdi Mohammed Naeem Badawi College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Sudan for Science and Technology - Sudan associate research 2 d. / Hisham Ismail Serry Farah Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Sudan for Science and Technology Associate research 3 d. / Jihan Abdullah Mohammed Ahmed Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Sudan for Science and Technology, Sudan associate research 4 d. / Ahmed Abdulla Ahmed Ali Sanhoury Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Science and Technology, Sudan University associate research 5 d / Mohammed classed Alepesharhiih Livestock Research epicenter Tmbol Research Alabl- Khartoum - Sudan associate research 6 d / Ahmed Sayed Salahuddin Ahmed Said College of farm-produce Hiwany- Studies, Sudan University for Science and Technology, Sudan associate research 7 d / Kamal Abdel Baki Mohammed Faculty of farm studies -anteg Hiwany- Sudan University of Science and Technology, Sudan associate research 8 d / Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahman Mohammed Mekkawy college studies of farm-produce Hiwany- Sudan University of Science and Technology, Sudan associate research 9 d / Nisreen Abdul Rasul Abdullah Faculty of farm-produce Hiwany- Studies, Sudan University for Science and Technology, Sudan - listener