Annual statistical report of the year 2021 showed that more than half of Assiut university students were females, this is including first-generation students. Moreover. 56% of students who are starting new degrees were female.  Assiut University is a non-profit governmental university that follows our constitution and guarantees equal gender rights for free education to students fulfilling the university's academic requirements. 
This necessitates no special gender-deviated scholarships. Moreover, there are special programs that are exclusive for females like the faculty of Kinder garden and some programs in nursing.
As regard our staff, about one quarter of our staff are females, and they represent 40% of senior academic staff. Furthermore, it seems that our females are superior academically to male students as the number of female-graduates in 2021 were higher. 
All the above data obtained from the higher monitoring statistical unit that presents its data to the University Council annually.
By constitution, all employees of the university have the right for maternal and paternal payed leave and that considered as well with students to postpone their exams and duties. Moreover, our beloved university has a special child care facilities and primary school within the campus premises. The higher committee of education is responsible for following up any educational or graduation discrimination ( reports enclosed).