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رقم الفاكس
البريد الالكتروني:
البريد الالكتروني MIS
رقم الموبايل
رقم المكتب
N/A - 04410
رابط الباحث العلمي لجوجل

دكتوراه ﻒﻳ طب الأورام () , , 2012

أستاذ مساعد معهد جنوب مصر للأورام , جامعة أسيوط , 2018
مدرس معهد جنوب مصر للأورام , جامعة أسيوط , 2012
مدرس مساعد معهد جنوب مصر للأورام , جامعة اسيوط , 2005
معيد معهد جنوب مصر للأورام , جامعة اسيوط , 2004

نائب مدير مستشفى جنوب مص للأورام - معهد جنوب مصر للأورام, جامعة أسيوط , منذ 2019-04-16
# عنوان البحث Research Year
1 Role of Metastatic Colon Cancer Topography in Pathological and Molecular Variability : A Retrospective Study 2021
2 Validation of imaging reporting and data system of coronavirus disease 2019 lexicons CO-RADS and COVID-RADS with radiologists’ preference: a multicentric study 2021
3 The role of quantitative computed tomography perfusion in the assessment of colorectal thickening 2021
4 Validation of imaging reporting and data system of coronavirus disease 2019 lexicons CO-RADS and COVID-RADS with radiologists’ preference: a multicentric study 2021
5 The role of quantitative computed tomography perfusion in the assessment of colorectal thickening 2021
6 Role of Metastatic Colon Cancer Topography in Pathological and Molecular Variability : A Retrospective Study 2021
7 The diagnostic efficacy of tailored multiparametric breast MRI in indeterminate mammographic lesions: A single tertiary oncology center 2020
8 The diagnostic efficacy of tailored multiparametric breast MRI in indeterminate mammographic lesions: A single tertiary oncology center 2020
9 Long-Term Evaluation of Imatinib´s Effect on Bone Marrow Fibrosis in Patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
10 Long-Term Evaluation of Imatinib´s Effect on Bone
Marrow Fibrosis in Patients with Chronic Myeloid
11 Tri-modalities for bladder cancer in elderly: Trans-urethral resection, hypofractionated radiotherapy and gemcitabine 2018
12 Feasibility of Concurrent Radiotherapy and Paclitaxel-Based Chemotherapy after Conservative Surgery for Breast Cancer 2017
13 Demographic Characteristics and Clinico-Pathological
Presentation of Breast Cancer Female Patients in South Egypt
Cancer Institute (2005-2012)
14 Standardisation of diffusion weighted MRI technique in characterisation of cervical lymphadenopathy 2016
15 ERCC1, as Prognostic and Predictive Marker in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Patients Treated with Oxaliplatin based Chemotherapy 2016
16 High or Low Ligation of the Inferior Mesenteric Artery during Curative Surgery for Rectal Cancer 2015
17 Extended versus standard pelvic lymphadenectomy in radical cystectomy for urinary bladder cancer, a
comparative study
18 Retention versus Removal of pectoralis minor in Axillary surgery for breast cancer 2015
19 Laparoscopy assisted distal gastrectomy for T1 to T2 stage gastric cancer: a pilot study of three ports technique 2015
20 Laparoscopy assisted distal gastrectomy for T1 to T2 stage gastric cancer: a pilot study of three ports technique 2015
21 ECF with Infusional Fluorouracil for 5 Days in Locally Advanced and Metastatic Gastric Cancer, Is It Better than the Standard?

22 ECF with Infusional Fluorouracil for 5 Days in Locally Advanced and Metastatic Gastric Cancer, Is It Better than the Standard? 2013

1 - ندي محمد حسين محمود , تاثير ما بعد الخط الاول من العلاج الكيماويفي مرضي سرطان الثدي النقيلي ,2020-11-18
المشرفون: اد عادل جمعة جبر د حنان احمد محمد

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