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# العنوان المشارك في البحث سنة البحث
191 p-Stat3 and bcr/abl gene expression in chronic myeloid leukemia and their relation to imatinib therapy. أ.د.محمد رأفت محمد إبراهيم خلف 2014
192 Lymphocyte populations and apoptosis of peripheral blood B and T
lymphocytes in children with end stage renal disease
د. أسماء محمد زهران عمر 2014
193 Subclinical vascular endothelial dysfunctions and myocardial changes with type 1 diabetes mellitus in children and adolescents. أ.د.دعاء محمد سيد حسين 2014
194 Flow cytometry expression of glucocorticoid receptors in children with nephrotic syndrome د. أسماء محمد زهران عمر 2013
195 Evaluation of multiple drug resistance in acute leukemia by real time PCR أ.د.رانية محمد محمد بكرى العاطون 2013
196 Platelet antibodies, activated platelets and serum leptin in childhood immune thrombocytopenic purpura. أ.د.حسني بدراوي حامد عمران 2013
197 Platelet Antibodies, Activated Platelets and Serum Leptin in Childhood Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura. د. أسماء محمد زهران عمر 2013
198 Evaluation of multiple drug resistance in acute leukemia by real time PCR أ.د.إيمان مسعد زكى الحفنى 2013
199 Platelet antibodies, activated platelets and serum leptin in childhood immune thrombocytopenic purpura. د. أسماء محمد زهران عمر 2013
200 Platelet Antibodies, Activated Platelets and Serum Leptin in Childhood Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura. أ.د.حسني بدراوي حامد عمران 2013