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# العنوان المشارك في البحث سنة البحث
241 T lymphocytes from malnourished infants are short-lived and dysfunctional cells.
أ.د.دعاء محمد سيد حسين 2010
242 Platelet Function, Activation and Apoptosis During and After Apheresis أ.د.رانية محمد محمد بكرى العاطون 2010
243 Platelet function, activation and apoptosis during and after apheresis. أ.د.دعاء محمد سيد حسين 2010
244 Molecular pattern and HLA DR in thalassemia patients complicated by heart failure in upper Egypt أ.د.إيمان مسعد زكى الحفنى 2009
245 Immunophenotyping and immunoglobulin heavy chain gene rearrangement analysis in cerebrospinal fluid of pediatric patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. أ.د.محمد رأفت محمد إبراهيم خلف 2009
246 Genetic Variability of Hepatitis C Virus in South Egypt and Its Possible Clinical Implication
أ.د.دعاء محمد سيد حسين 2009
247 Evaluation of flow cytometric immunophenotyping and DNA analysis for detection of malignant cells in serosal cavity fluids. أ.د.دعاء محمد سيد حسين 2009
248 Molecular pattern and HLA DR in thalassemia patients complicated by heart failure in upper Egypt أ.د.حسني بدراوي حامد عمران 2009
249 The role of platelets CD40 ligand (CD154) in acute coronary syndromes أ.د.دعاء محمد سيد حسين 2009
250 Pattern and possible contributing factors to dialysis-associated arrhythmia in young patients. أ.د.إيمان مسعد زكى الحفنى 2009