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The Effects Of Paraffin Wedge Filters On The Electron Beam Therapy

مؤلف البحث
Mostafa A Hashem, Moamen M. Aly, Ahmed L. El-Attar, Mahmoud A. Hefni, Mohamed I. Elsaid
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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
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Wedged beams have often been used in clinical photon radiotherapy to compensate missing tissues and dose gradients. In this work, we designed a wedge filter made of wax to be implemented in electron beam radiotherapy. Measurements were carried out for hexahedral high-energy electron beams (5-14 MeV) generated by Siemens Mevatron linear accelerator by using radiographic film dosimetry for off-axis dose profiles and depth doses' measurements. This study showed that there was a large difference between open and wedged PDD, and this difference was decreased with the electron-beam energy increase. Therefore, we recommend using wax wedge filters with higher electron energies, and take into account the increase in the surface dose and the decrease of the depth of maximum dose when used with low electron energies