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# Title Research Member Research Year
231 T lymphocytes from malnourished infants are short-lived and dysfunctional cells.
Prof. Douaa Mohamed Sayed Hussein 2010
232 Platelet Function, Activation and Apoptosis During and After Apheresis Prof. Rania / Mohamed Mohamed / Bakri / El-Aton 2010
233 Platelet function, activation and apoptosis during and after apheresis. Prof. Douaa Mohamed Sayed Hussein 2010
234 Flow cytometric platelet cross-matching to predict platelet transfusion in acute leukemia Prof. Douaa Mohamed Sayed Hussein 2010
235 Attitudes toward children with clefts in rural Muslim and Hindu societies. Prof. Rania / Mohamed Mohamed / Bakri / El-Aton 2010
236 Flow cytometric platelet cross-matching to predict platelet transfusion in acute leukemia Prof. Rania / Mohamed Mohamed / Bakri / El-Aton 2010
237 HLA-G and its relation to proliferation index in detection and monitoring breast cancer patients Prof. Douaa Mohamed Sayed Hussein 2010
238 Flow cytometric platelet cross-matching to predict platelet transfusion in acute leukemia Dr. Asmaa Mohamed Zahran Omar 2010
239 Monocyte-platelet aggregates and platelet micro-particles in patients with post-hepatitic liver cirrhosis. Prof. Douaa Mohamed Sayed Hussein 2010
240 Myocardial dysfunction in malnourished children Prof. Hosny Badrawy Hamed Omran 2010