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The first integrated educational course of its kind in the diabetic foot in Upper Egypt and the meeting of the diabetic foot giants from Mansoura University and the Egyptian Diabetic Foot Association under the auspices of the South Egypt Diabetes Associat

*Surprise* * For those interested in * * Diabetic foot * and sugar * The first integrated educational course of its kind in Diabetic Foot in Upper Egypt and meeting with giants of Diabetic Foot from Mansoura University and the Egyptian Diabetic Foot Association sponsored by the South Egypt Diabetes Association and Diabetic Foot Unit at Assiut University Join us to find out what's new in diagnosing and treating diabetic foot conditions _ Thursday Thursday, 16/16/2020, the subscription is 50 pounds We are honored by your attendance For reservations and inquiries, please call: - 01067740940 01111848236 For your information, the number is very limited to coordinate workshop preparation and conference requirements