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Ph. D. In Physics (Medical Physics) , Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences The University of Manchester, UK , 2010
M. Sc. In Physics (Radiation Physics) , Faculty of Science Assiut University , 2003
Other In Physics (Medical Physics) , Faculty of Science Assiut University , 2000
B. Sc. In Science (Physics and Mathematics) , Faculty of Science Assiut University , 1998
M. Sc. In Physics (Radiation Physics) , Faculty of Science Assiut University , 2003
Other In Physics (Medical Physics) , Faculty of Science Assiut University , 2000
B. Sc. In Science (Physics and Mathematics) , Faculty of Science Assiut University , 1998
Associate Professor South Egypt Cancer Institute, ِِAssiut University , 2016
Lecturer South Egypt Cancer Institute, Assiut University , 2011
Assistant Lecturer South Egypt Cancer Institute, Assiut University , 2005
Demonstrator South Egypt Cancer Institute, ِِAssiut University , 1998
Executive Director of Scientific Research Unit, South Egypt Cancer Institute, Assiut University South Egypt Cancer Institute, Assiut University ,since 2011-05-17
1- ٍShimaa Ahmed Fouad Farghly , Quality assurance of three dimension treatment planning system for external photon beam therapy ,2017-11-26
supervisor: Abd Elhadi El-Kamel, Moamen M.O.M. Aly, and Hani H. Negm
2- Gena Mohamed Abo-Elela Hassan , The Applications of Portal Imaging Device in Radiotherapy. ,2017-01-24
supervisor: Prof. Ahmed Lotfy El-Attar A. Prof. Moamen M.O.M. Aly A. Prof. Hany Elgamal Prof. El-Badry Mohamed Zahran
3- Asmaa Salah Ibrahim , Prospective Study of Preoperative Hypofractionated Radiotherapy Versus Preoperative Conventional Chemoradiation in Rectal Cancer. ,2017-02-28
supervisor: Samir Shehata Mohammed, Mostafa Elsayed Abselwanis, Mona Mahmoud Sayed, and Moamen M.O.M. Aly
4- Mostafa Ahmed Hashem Soliman , Dose Measurements to Develop the Applications of Radiotherapy Electron Beam Using Radiographic Films ,2013-12-29
supervisor: Ahmed L. El-Attar, Mahmoud A. Hefni, and Moamen M.O.M. Aly
supervisor: Abd Elhadi El-Kamel, Moamen M.O.M. Aly, and Hani H. Negm
2- Gena Mohamed Abo-Elela Hassan , The Applications of Portal Imaging Device in Radiotherapy. ,2017-01-24
supervisor: Prof. Ahmed Lotfy El-Attar A. Prof. Moamen M.O.M. Aly A. Prof. Hany Elgamal Prof. El-Badry Mohamed Zahran
3- Asmaa Salah Ibrahim , Prospective Study of Preoperative Hypofractionated Radiotherapy Versus Preoperative Conventional Chemoradiation in Rectal Cancer. ,2017-02-28
supervisor: Samir Shehata Mohammed, Mostafa Elsayed Abselwanis, Mona Mahmoud Sayed, and Moamen M.O.M. Aly
4- Mostafa Ahmed Hashem Soliman , Dose Measurements to Develop the Applications of Radiotherapy Electron Beam Using Radiographic Films ,2013-12-29
supervisor: Ahmed L. El-Attar, Mahmoud A. Hefni, and Moamen M.O.M. Aly