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Interleukin-27 and interleukin-35 in de novo acute myeloid leukemia: expression and significance as biological markers

Research Authors
Heba A Ahmed, Ahmed M Maklad, Safaa AA Khaled, Ashraf Elyamany
Research Member
Research Date
Research Year
Research Journal
Journal of blood medicine
Research Abstract

Serum levels of both cytokines were significantly higher in AML patients than controls (P< 0.001), with no effect of gender or French-American-British subtypes. Significant correlations of IL27 and IL35 with poor prognostic factors and with each other were detected in patients only. IL27 optimum cutoff for predicting AML was> 43, AUC (0.926) with a sensitivity 74% and specificity 96.6%(P< 0.001), while for IL35> 27.8, AUC (0.972) with 88% and 98% sensitivity and specificity, respectively (P< 0.001).


Conclusively, this study proved that IL27and IL35 could identify AML patients from healthy subjects, and their overexpression denotes poor prognosis. Based on the simplicity and wide availability of their detection technique we recommend the inclusion of IL27 and IL35 in the diagnostic/prognostic workup of AML; however, further longitudinal research is needed to prove their exact prognostic value.