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# Title Department Research Member Research Year
1681 From Manual to Automatic Contouring in Head and Neck
Cancer for Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy.
Department of Radiotherapy and Nuclear medicine Dr. Moamen Mohamed Omran Moustafa Aly 2007
1682 The value preimpitive analgesia with ketamine in patient undergoningcholecystctomy Department of Anesthesia, Intensive care and Pain management Prof. Mustafa Galal Mustafa Hassan 2007
1683 Re-evaluation of Primary Congenital Hypothyroidism using Tc-99m Thyroid Scan. Department of Clinical Pathology Dr. Asmaa Mohamed Zahran Omar 2007
1684 Evaluation of serum biomarkers of fibrosis and injury in Egyptian patients with chronic hepatitis C. Department of Biostatistics and Cancer Epidemiology Nabiel Nazmi Hanna Mikhail 2007
Department of Radiotherapy and Nuclear medicine Dr. Dalia Osama Mohamed Ahmed 2006
1686 Glomerular expression and elevated serum Bcl-2 and Fas proteins in lupus nephritis: preliminary findings.
Department of Clinical Pathology Prof. Eman Massad Zaki El-Hefny 2006
1687 Association between the HER2 expression and histological differentiation in Wilms tumor.
Department of Surgical Oncology Prof. Mohammed Aboul-Magd Salem Mahmoud 2006
1688 Molecular analysis of HLA-DRBl, DQB1 and DRB4 alleles in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Department of Clinical Pathology Prof. Mohamed Rafat / Mohammed Ibrahim Khalaf 2006
1689 High prevalence of hepatitis E antibodies in pregnant Egyptian women.
Department of Biostatistics and Cancer Epidemiology Nabiel Nazmi Hanna Mikhail 2006
1690 Locally administered ketolac and bupivaciane for control of post operative pain in breast cancer surgery. Department of Anesthesia, Intensive care and Pain management Prof. Mustafa Galal Mustafa Hassan 2006