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Signet ring carcinoma of the stomach : impact on prognosis and outcome

Research Authors
Khalid Rezk1, Hanan Ahmed Mohammed2, Mayada Fawzy Sedik2, Ahmed Refaat Abd Elzaher2 and Shimaa H
Research Department
Research Year
Research Journal
Cancer Biology
Research Publisher
Research Vol
Vol. 8 - No. 3
Research Rank
Research Website
Research Abstract

Background: Signet ring cell carcinoma (SRC) of the stomach is a histological type based on
microscopic characteristics. SRC's clinicopathological characteristics and prognosis are still controversial. This
study compared the clinicopathological features and prognosis of patients with SRC carcinoma with those with nonsignet
ring cell carcinoma of the stomach (NSRC) Patients and methods: We retrospectively analyzed data from
109 patients who had gastric carcinoma, including 30 SRC and 79 NSRC. Results: No significant differences
existed with respect to age, tumour size, depth of invasion and lymph node metastasis between the patients with
SRC histology and NSRC. The overall survival not affected by different histopathological types of gastric
carcinoma (P= 0.699). Conclusion: Patients with SRC histology do not have a worse prognosis than those with
[Khalid Rezk, Hanan Ahmed Mohammed, Mayada Fawzy Sedik, Ahmed Refaat Abd Elzaher and Shimaa H. Shaban.
Signet ring carcinoma of the stomach: impact on prognosis and outcome. Cancer Biology 2018;8(3):9-13].
ISSN: 2150-1041 (print); ISSN: 2150-105X (online). 2. doi:10.7537/marscbj080318.02.