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# Title Department Research Member Research Year
901 Non-neoplastic variants of the sternum detected on bone scintigraphy using a hybrid SPECT/CT machine Department of Radiology Dr. Haisam Ahmed Samy Aly Atta 2016
902 Circulating endothelial cells and their progenitors in acute myeloid leukemia Department of Medical Oncology Dr. Hanaan Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed 2016
903 Standardisation of diffusion weighted MRI technique in characterisation of cervical lymphadenopathy Department of Radiology Dr. Mohamed Mahmoud Hamdy Abd Ellah Mohamed 2016
904 Non-neoplastic variants of the sternum detected on bone scintigraphy using a hybrid SPECT/CT machine Department of Radiotherapy and Nuclear medicine Dr. Yasser Gaber Ali Abdelhafez 2016
905 Transdermal Fentanyl for Cancer Pain
Management in Opioid-Naive Pediatric
Cancer Patients
Department of Pediatric Oncology Prof. Heba Abdel-Razik Sayed Hussein 2016
906 Analgesic efficacy of pregabalin in acute
postmastectomy pain: placebo controlled
dose ranging study☆,☆☆
Department of Anesthesia, Intensive care and Pain management Dr. Montaser Abdel-Fattah Mohamed Mustafa 2016
907 Supraclavicular Nodal Failure after
Surgery in N1 Breast Cancer Patients
without Supraclavicular Irradiation
Department of Medical Oncology Dr. Abeer Elsayed Ali Ibrahim 2016
908 Intrathecal Dexmedetomidine, Ketamine, and
their Combination Added to Bupivacaine for
Postoperative Analgesia in Major Abdominal
Cancer Surgery
Department of Anesthesia, Intensive care and Pain management Prof. Sahar Abdel Baky Mohamed Ahmad 2016
909 Evaluation of the efficacy and the safety of a hypofractionated
radiotherapy course with weekly concomitant boost for breast
cancer patients treated with conservative breast surgery
Department of Radiotherapy and Nuclear medicine Dr. Osama mostafa Abdelbadee Abou elhassan 2016
910 The Effects Of Paraffin Wedge Filters On The Electron Beam Therapy Department of Radiotherapy and Nuclear medicine Dr. Moamen Mohamed Omran Moustafa Aly 2016