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# عنوان البحث المشارك في البحث سنة البحث
121 Comparative Study on Black Cumin (Nigella sativa, L.)
Plants, Grown Under Different Plant Spacing and
Fertilization treatments
أ.د.محمد مصطفى جاد محمد 2012
122 Compost from rice straw and sawdust as growing media for pot plants.
أ.د.عزة عبدالعزيز على توفيق 2012
123 Comparison between different fertilization sources, irrigation frequency and their combinations on the growth and yield of coriander plant. د. عصمت فاروق على أحمد 2012
124 Chromatographic analyse of volatile organic compounds in essential oil of Acorus calamus L. Rhizome د. عصام يوسف عبدالحفيظ عبدالعاطى 2012
125 Compost from rice straw and sawdust as growing media for pot plants.
د. جمال عبدالحفيظ أحمد حسن إبراهيم 2012
126 Compost from rice straw and sawdust as growing media for pot plants.
د. عمر حسنى محمد إبراهيم 2012
127 Potential of leucaena hedges for food crop production in southern Egypt. د. عصمت فاروق على أحمد 2011
128 Biotechnological approaches for propagation of Taxus baccata L. – an endangered plant with important ornamental and pharmaceutical value
د. عمر حسنى محمد إبراهيم 2011
129 Preliminary studies on in vitro propagation of Ginkgo biloba L.
د. عمر حسنى محمد إبراهيم 2011
130 Lead in soils and plants in park Nuzhi د. عصام يوسف عبدالحفيظ عبدالعاطى 2011