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# عنوان البحث المشارك في البحث سنة البحث
1461 Population dynamics and distributional pattern of certain soil-inhabiting predaceous arthropods recovered from pitfall traps in cotton and clover fields at Assiut أ.د.فاروق محمود خليل إبراهيم حمودة 1975
1462 Seasonal trends of citrus mites, Eutetranychus orientalis (Klein) and Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes), and the role of predaceous mites, total nitrogen and total carbohydrates in relation to degree of infestation of citrus trees معيد/.عبدالمنعم ماهر على 1975
1463 Susceptibility of Palpita unionalis Hb. And Zelleria oleastrella Miller to certain insecticides أ.د.محمد فهمى قاسم محمد أبوغدير 1975
1464 Survey of predators occurring in clover and cotton fields at Assiut locality أ.د.فاروق محمود خليل إبراهيم حمودة 1975
1465 Population trend and time of activity of certain true spiders collected from clover foliage at Assiut أ.د.محمد فهمى قاسم محمد أبوغدير 1975
1466 Seasonal trends of citrus mites, Eutetranychus orientalis (Klein) and Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes), and the role of predaceous mites, total nitrogen, and total carbohydrates in relation to degree of infestation of citrus trees معيد/.عبدالمنعم ماهر على 1975
1467 Seasonal trends of citrus mites, Eutetranychus orientalis (Klein) and Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes), and the role of predaceous mites, total nitrogen and total carbohydrates in relation to degree of infestation of citrus trees أ.د.يوسف عوض درويش يونس 1975
1468 Seasonal abundance and flight activity of two lepidopterous pests: Zelleria oleastrella Miller, and Palpita unionalis Hb. as indicated by light trap catches أ.د.محمد فهمى قاسم محمد أبوغدير 1975
1469 Evaluation of damage caused by cotton spider mites and the role of certain predaceous arthropods in suppressing their populations أ.د.أحمد عبدالغنى مصطفى نجم 1975
1470 Population dynamics and distributional pattern of certain soil-inhabiting predaceous arthropods recovered from pitfall traps in cotton and clover fields at Assiut أ.د.فاروق عبدالقوى عبدالجليل على 1975