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# Title Research Member Research Year
621 Effeciency of late and early selection for grain yield under different selection criteria and DNA marker polymorphisim in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Dr. Talaat Abdel-Fattah Ahmed Yousef 2006
622 Sugar beet floral induction and fertility: effect of vernalization and day-length extension Prof. El-Mahdi Abdel-mottaleb El-Mahdi Toeima 2006
623 Studies on sugar beet floral induction and fertility II- Effect of root age and day-length extension. Prof. El-Mahdi Abdel-mottaleb El-Mahdi Toeima 2006
624 Gene action and combining ability analysis of diallel crosses in bread wheat under moisture stress and non-stress conditions. Dr. Talaat Abdel-Fattah Ahmed Yousef 2006
625 Quantitative trait loci for agronomic characters in segregating Chinese Spring X T. spelta wheat population under Egypt environment. Dr. Talaat Abdel-Fattah Ahmed Yousef 2006
626 Developing of molecular markers by CAS-SSCP technique using Full-length cDNA sequences in Soybean. Dr. Talaat Abdel-Fattah Ahmed Yousef 2006
627 Genotypic stability analysis for yield and its attributes of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorus L.) under different modern irrigation systems in new reclaimed lands. Dr. Talaat Abdel-Fattah Ahmed Yousef 2005
628 Recycling of crop residues and using them as a compost to enhance the growth and productivity of canola in newly reclaimed sandy soils. Prof. Adel Mohamed Mahmoud Ali 2005
629 Diallel cross analysis in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) after two locations. Prof. Hussein Mohamed Abdel-Rahim Salem Al ShAbo ri 2005
630 Triple test cross analysis in four sesame crosses (Sesamum indicum L.). Prof. Mussad Zaki El-Hefny El-Amir 2005