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# Title Research Member Research Year
781 Studies on intercropping sweet sorghum with sugarcane. Prof. El-Mahdi Abdel-mottaleb El-Mahdi Toeima 2000
782 Combining ability and heterosis in grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). Prof. El-Sayed Abdel-Salam El-Sayed Mohamed Hasab Allah 2000
783 Response of wheat cultivars to fertigation and seeding rate in new reclaimed and clay soils in Upper Egypt. A- Yield and yield components. Prof. Ezzat El-Sayed Soliman Mahdy 2000
784 Utilization of some morpho-physioloigical traits in the selection for yield in wheat under sandy calcareous soils. Prof. Abdel-Azim Ahmed Ismail Soltan 2000
785 Utilization of some morpho-physiological traits in the selection for yield in wheat under sandy calcareous soils. Prof. Adel Mostafa Hussein Abou-Salama 2000
786 Effect of gamma ray irradiation on some local sugarcane cultivars. Prof. Mussad Zaki El-Hefny El-Amir 2000
787 Effect of inoculation with Bradyrhizobium (Hypogeae) and nitrogen fertilization on the productivity of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) grown on sandy calcareous soil. Prof. Ibrahim Abdel-baki Rizk Elfar 2000
788 Seedd viability of mung bean in relation to seed-borne fungi and artificial fungal infestation. Prof. El-Mahdi Abdel-mottaleb El-Mahdi Toeima 2000
789 Studies on some sugar beet cultivars under Middle Egypt conditions. I- Response to planting and harvesting dates. Prof. Adel Mostafa Hussein Abou-Salama 2000
790 Yield response of some wheat lines to nitrogen fertilization under two soil. Prof. Kamal Abdu Abdel-Ghani Khair Allah 2000