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# Title Research Member Research Year
791 Improving yield of maize and nitrogen use efficiency by soaking grains in some micronutrient solutions. Prof. El-Mahdi Abdel-mottaleb El-Mahdi Toeima 2000
792 Response of wheat cultivars to fertigation and seeding rate in new reclaimed and clay soils in Upper Egypt. A- Yield and yield components. Prof. Ezzat El-Sayed Soliman Mahdy 2000
793 Response of some wheat cultivars to fertigation and seeding rate in new reclaimed and clay soils in Upper Egypt. B- Morphological traits and grain protein percentage. Prof. El-Mahdi Abdel-mottaleb El-Mahdi Toeima 2000
794 Utilization of some morpho-physiological traits in the selection for yield in wheat under sandy calcareous soils. Prof. Adel Mostafa Hussein Abou-Salama 2000
795 Combining ability and heterosis in grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). Prof. El-Sayed Abdel-Salam El-Sayed Mohamed Hasab Allah 2000
796 Line x tester analysis for combining ability in grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). Prof. Bahy Raghib Bakheit Alwafy 2000
797 Response of lentil (Lens culinaris Med.) to seeding rate and drought at different growth stages. Prof. Ibrahim Abdel-baki Rizk Elfar 2000
798 Studies on some sugar beet cultivars under Middle Egypt conditions. I- Response to planting and harvesting dates. Prof. Adel Mostafa Hussein Abou-Salama 2000
799 Optimizing nitrogen use and uptake efficiencies, and yield of wheat using split nitrogen applications to a sandy calcareous soil. Prof. Ibrahim Abdel-baki Rizk Elfar 1999
800 Diallel analysis of some quantitative traits in wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell) under heat stress conditions. Prof. Kamal Abdu Abdel-Ghani Khair Allah 1999