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Alumni News and Updates

Alumni News and Updates

The College Board approved the request from Sarah Mohamed Ahmed Sholkamy gastrula Department of…
approved by the College Board to grant the student Rahila Hussain Nasser Amir Yemeni nationality…
The committee approved graduate studies and research faculty to extend the period of registration…
And approved by the College Board to grant the student Azza Ahmed Khairy Master of Arts degree…
The committee approved cultural relations Ali vacation sabbatical for a year to Professor Dr Ahmed…
The College Board approved the request of Mustafa Kamal Abdel located holiday restorer, Department…
  And approved by the College Board to grant the student Fathya Mosaaed Yosr Abdullah Yemeni…
A lead. D. Dean and faculty members and staff assistants and sincere condolences to the college …
the researcher Rhillh Amir Hussain Nasser Ranoan relationship methods oftreatment of parental …
Faculty of Arts will hold a panel discussion of a doctoral thesis presented byDr Hashim Mohammed …
Faculty of Arts will hold a session to discuss thesis submitted by theresearcher Manal Hamdy Sayed…