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Alumni News and Updates

Alumni News and Updates

A session on the doctoral thesis in literature allocates Islamic studies to researcher Iyad Odeh…
Media Festival of the Media Department of Assiut University honors university leaders
Under the slogan ... Media has been a promising future for the launch of the 12th Media Festival at…
The Media Department organizes a seminar entitled "The role of women in the creation of the people'…
Assiut governor praises the creativity of students in the university's media department
Tomorrow. The 12th Media Festival kicks off For student graduation projects to inform Assiut
Doctoral thesis session by researcher Omnia Mustafa Niazi language section on 4/7 english
Master's thesis in English language specialization researcher Nadia Ahmed Salim
A discussion session of the Master's thesis in the Islamic monuments of researcher from me…
Eastern Languages Section Board meeting
Scientific Seminar in the history department 1/7/2019
Scientific Seminar in Eastern Languages section 1/7/2019