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Council of the Arabic Department agreed to form a committee discussion and governance doctoral dissertation titled: "deliberative features of Akkad when the geniuses: a linguistic study," researcher / Alaa Abdo gift

Council of the Arabic Department agreed to form a committee discussion and governance doctoral dissertation titled: "deliberative features when Akkad in geniuses: a linguistic study," researcher / Alaa Abdo gift, presented by the Supervisory Committee, that committee discussion and governance consists of gentlemen:1. ed. Mohammed Abdel-Hakam Abdul Baqi professor of literature and criticism (supervisor)2-ed. Hazem Ali Kamaluddin Professor of Linguistics and Head of the Arabic Department ethics Sohag (discussing)3. ed. Abdul Hafiz Ahmad Bakri, a professor of linguistics department (discussing)4. Od.abd Nasser Mahmoud Issa professor of linguistics department (supervisor)