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# Title Research Year
1 الاكتئاب وعلاقته بالألكسثيميا لدى عينة من المراهقين. 2023
2 A moderated-mediation analysis of abusive supervision, fear of negative evaluation and psychological distress amon egyptian hotel employees 2022
3 The relationship between perception of control and mood: The intervening effect of cultural values in a Saudi Arabian sample 2019
4 Some Demographic and Psychological Variables
that Predict Marital Adjustment in Wives
5 فاعلية برنامج إرشادي انتقائي تكاملي لتنمية التفكير الإيجابي كمدخل لتحسين تقدير الذات لدي عينة من طالبات الجامعة الكفيفات 2018
6 Factor Structure, Reliability and Validity of the Arabic Version of the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ) in a Sample of Saudi Children and Adolescents 2018
7 Emotion dysregulation in mood disorders: a review of current challenges 2018
8 Social support as a mediator variable of the relationship between depression and life satisfaction in a sample of Saudi caregivers of patients with Alzheimer's disease 2017
9 An Analysis of Prevalence Rates of Saudi’s Students with Emotional and Behavior Problems and Its Effects of Gender and Age, 2017
10 Psychometric properties of the screen for child anxiety related emotional disorders (SCARED) in a non-clinical sample of children and adolescents in Saudi Arabia. 2016