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Graduate Studies Committee agree to form a committee discussion and judgment on the student / Mamdouh Mahmoud Alam El Din Hassan message to obtain a doctorate degree in literature / history of specialization (the date of the Muslim)

The committee approved graduate to form a committee discussion and judgment on the student / Mamdouh Mahmoud Alam El Din Hassan message to obtain a doctorate in literature / history degree of specialization (the date of the Muslim) on the subject of its title:         "Layered wrote a source of cultural life in Egypt: the eighth century AH / fourteenth century."That the Commission discussion and governance consists of both:1-D / Mohammed Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed BedaiwiIslamic-history professor at the Faculty of Arts - University of Assiut supervisor and president2-D / Ibrahim Mahmoud AfifiProfessor of Islamic history at the Faculty of Arts in Banha member3. D / Suleiman Abdul-Ghani al-MalikiProfessor of Islamic history at the University of Taif (Saudi Arabia) member 4-D / Osama Mohamed FahmyIslamic-history professor at the Faculty of Arts - University of Assiut supervisor