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Graduate Studies Committee agree to form a committee discussion and judgment on the student / Mohammed Abdullah Hamoud Mansour message "Yemeni nationality" to get a doctorate degree in Arts / Psychology specialization (clinical psychology).

Graduate Studies Committee agree to form a committee discussion and judgment on the student / Mohammed Abdullah Hamoud Mansour message "Yemeni nationality" to get a doctorate degree in Arts / Psychology specialization (clinical psychology) on the subject of its title:          "The effectiveness of a treatment program" cognitive - behavioral "psychological depression in light of some demographic variables among the sons of the Yemeni community living in the UK"That the Commission discussion and governance consists of both:1-D / Ahmed Abdel Fattah AyyadProfessor and Chairman, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts - Tanta University President2-D / Mr. Kamal featherProfessor and Chairman, Department of Psychology - Faculty of Arts, University of Banha supervisor3. D / Ahmed Mohammed DarwishProfessor and Chairman, Department of Psychology - Faculty of Arts, University of Assiut-member4-O.d.m / Ahmad Kamal Abdul WahabAssistant Professor of Psychology at the Faculty of Arts - University of Assiut supervisor5. O.d.m / Abdul Khaliq Hndh BelhakAssistant Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Amran, Yemen supervisor