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Graduate Studies Committee agree to form a committee discussion and judgment on the student / praise Jamaluddin Muhammad to obtain a doctorate degree in literature / philosophy of specialization message (Greek philosophy)

"The Committee on Graduate Studies to form a committee discussion and judgment on the student / praise Jamaluddin Muhammad message to obtain a doctorate in literature / philosophy of specialization degree (Greek philosophy) on the subject of its title:              "Existence and non-existence in Greek philosophy."That the Commission discussion and governance consists of both:1-D / Mahmoud Hamida Abdul KarimProfessor of Philosophy - Faculty of Arts - University of Assiut supervisor and president2. D / Mohamed Medhat Mahmoud NazifProfessor of Greek Philosophy - Faculty of Arts - University of Menoufiya member 3. D / Mohammed Ramadan BstawessaProfessor of Philosophy at the Faculty of Girls, Ain Shams University member4. D / Mr. Mahmoud MuradProfessor of Greek Philosophy Faculty of Arts - Sohag University supervisor