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Graduate Studies Committee agree to form a committee discussion and judgment on the student / Mustafa Fawaz friend message for a doctoral degree in literature / philosophy of specialization (modern philosophy)

The committee approved graduate to form a committee discussion and judgment on the student / Mustafa Fawaz friend message for a PhD in literature / philosophy of specialization degree (modern philosophy) on the subject entitled "Knowledge, ethics and policy at the John Locke" that the Commission discussion and governance consists of both : 1-D / Saad Abdul Aziz Mohammed Sadiq professor of philosophy - Women's College - Ain Shams University, a member and president of 2-D / Mohamed Mohamed owes Professor of Philosophy - Faculty of Arts - Cairo University supervisor 3-D / Mahmoud Hamida Abdul Karim Professor of Philosophy - Faculty of Arts - University of Assiut supervisor 4. D / Mohammed Ramadan Bstawessa professor of philosophy girls College Ain Shams University, a member of